VBA File Name Loop with Extension and Folder FileDialogFolderPicker

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In this article, I show you how to pull all the file names from a particular folder into an excel workbook. It pulls the file names and the file extensions.

I'll just paste the code here and then explain it section by section afterwards. Here's the file and then the code.


Code Module 1:

Sub FolderAndFileMacro()

Dim mypath As String
Dim myfile As String
Dim myfile2
Dim myextension As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim FldrPicker As FileDialog

Set FldrPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)

With FldrPicker
      .Title = "Select A Target Folder"
      .AllowMultiSelect = False
        If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
        mypath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
End With

'In Case of Cancel
  mypath = mypath
  If mypath = "" Then GoTo ResetSettings

'pull file names from Module 2 called GrabFilenamesfromFolder. It pulls the file names from the folder you select and set to mypath variable.
GrabFilenamesfromFolder (mypath)

erow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SEARCH(""re"",RC[-1],1)"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("B1" & ":" & "B" & erow), Type:=xlFillDefault
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, operation:=xlNone, skipblanks:=False, Transpose:=False

 Selection.Replace What:="#VALUE!", Replacement:="0", LookAt:=xlPart, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Dim counter As Double
counter = 1
Do Until counter > erow
If Range("B" & counter).Value <> 0 Then
myfile2 = Range("A" & counter).Value
End If
counter = counter + 1

myfile = Dir(mypath & myextension)

'Target File Extension (must include wildcard "*")
  myextension = "*.xls*"

'Loop through each Excel file in folder
Do While myfile <> ""
    'Set variable equal to opened workbook
      If myfile2 = myfile Then
      Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mypath & myfile)
      End If
      myfile = Dir

If 1 = 1 Then
End If

End Sub

Code Module 2:

Sub GrabFilenamesfromFolder(path As String)
    Dim currentPath As String, directory As Variant
    Dim dirCollection As Collection
    Set dirCollection = New Collection
    Dim counter As Double
    counter = 1
    currentPath = Dir(path, vbDirectory)
    'Explore current directory
    Do Until currentPath = vbNullString
        Debug.Print currentPath
        'If Left(currentPath, 1) <> "." And _
            '(GetAttr(path & currentPath) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
            dirCollection.Add currentPath
        'End If
        currentPath = Dir()
        Range("A" & counter).Value = currentPath
        counter = counter + 1
End Sub

Why is this useful: If you have a file that is the same file but the filename changes each month, then you can pull the data from the file just by selecting which folder the file is in without having to write anything. This method also avoids the likelihood that hardcoded file names won't pull the data properly because the file name changes so often.

Explanation of Code:

The above code declares variables mypath, myfile, etc as different datatypes. With FldrPicker only lets you select a single folder (.allowmultiselect = false). If .show <> -1, shows the FileDialog.

What is the File Dialog? The below is the file dialog. In the above code, mypath = .selecteditems(1) sets the mypath variable equal to whichever folder you select.

The next section of code basically runs the subprocedure in Module 2 from Module 1. If you don't know what modules are then you can watch my main VBA lessons on my Youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsbzYG2Git5tsU0ky398r2KCa16bcxgOQ This next section of code basically reads in the file names and file extensions in mypath that you selected: it sets the Excel Workbook Sheet cells A1 until A100 (etc) until the last file in the folder equal to the file names and file extensions. In other words, the more files there are in the folder, the more file names there will be in column A.

The above code is placed in Module 2. Range("A" & counter).value = currentpath iterates from cells A1 to A2 to A3 to A4..etc. It sets the value of these cells equal to the file names and file extensions in mypath folder that you selected. Once it reaches End Sub, then it returns to where we left off in Module 1.

The remainder of the code is simple. It uses a Search Formula with R1C1 language which I show in my R1C1 Formula video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knZxb4CZxWY . Basically it sets column B cell equal to 1 only if it contains the text re somewhere in the file name or extension in column A. selection.replace what:=:#VALUE!" basically replaces the word #VALUE! with the number 0 so that VBA can iterate over similar data type data and read if the value is 0 or 1. This selection.replace what:=#VALUE! happens after I do a selection.copy and a Selection.pastespecial so that the search formula is static text data instead of a formula. You cannot use a VBA if statement until the data is static, non-formula data. Dim counter as Double until the line Loop basically loops from A1 to the last congruous column A with a value and if range("B" & counter), which is the current cell since counter iterates from A1 to A2 to A3 to A4 to A5. …. So basically if B1 or B2 or B3 = 1 as shown by the line If range("B" & counter).value <> 0 then, myfile2 variable gets assigned to the value in the respective column A cell alongside the column B cell containing the number 1 from the original Search formula. Set wb = workbooks.open(Filename:=mypath & myfile) opens the mypath you selected in the File Dialog in addition to the file and file extension that gets auto-assigned based on the hardcoded Search formula, or myfile2 (well it only opens if myfile2 = myfile since myfile cycles through all the files until myfile = myfile2 (don't forget that myfile2 was set based on if the file name contained re per the Search formula.

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